

Counselling requires a level of interaction that for some, can feel very uncomfortable at first.  It is not easy to put yourself out there .  A "new" experience is just that... "new" - it can, and in many ways perhaps should be scary.  What I do know however from my  almost 20 years of work experience is that when wrapped in a safe therapeutic relationship, counselling can help you regain hope, clarity, and direction.  Many of the folks I have counselled have identified a significant reduction in their anger responses and an increase in their emotional and mental wellness.  When you feel encouraged and guided in your therapy journey, the benefits of counselling far outweigh initial feelings of discomfort.  I look forward to hearing from you, and welcome any questions you may have about working together.

  • Individual
  • Couple
  • Family 
“What we don’t repair, we repeat.”
- Christine Langley-Obaugh